Thursday, January 06, 2005

First Post!


Its up. The Duff finally has a blogspot. And like most of his spots, its gonna grow. And leave scars. On himself and those who are unlucky enough to chance upon them. With physical revulsion and psychological invasion, this blogspot shall rule the world.

You Are The Truth! You are all that you know. All else are seen through eyes that only know what you know, that only what your brain perceives. You are your Own truth. Feel free to share your truths with The Duff. Go forth and live life, as The Duff has lived his.

The Duff has done so, and therefore practices what he preaches. Today, a new chapter in the book of his life is written. A chapter that would encompass much of his remaining life. He has started on his career.

Who knows what The Duff is gonna get. Stay tuned to find out he guesses. For now, seek out your truths, while he scratches his balls and falls asleep.

Sod Off!

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