Monday, January 31, 2005

Exhaustion is exhausting.

The Duff had a tough week. In between helping his elder brother move, he also had functions to attend, soccer to practice, work to do and food to eat. On top of that he had to fix up his own home, especially the supreme mess of the Universe, his room.

Time seem to be a very limited commodity to The Duff. He finds that it is getting out of hand. Time management is required in his life. Does anyone out there have any suggestions?

The Duff had soccer practice yesterday. Right now, he cannot feel his legs. They have disappeared from him, and are reluctant to return to his body because of the strain that he put them through. In spite of a rigorous warm up, they were still tortured into putting up a good show for The Duff's new colleagues. They are pretty sure the moment they return, he would put them through a regular exercise regime. They are sure of this. Very sure.


Nothing much going on in the Comics scene. A few good comic-based movies are premiering soon though. After the abysmal Elektra, the next one will be, woah, Constantine. Matrix with magic. Sin City is in April. Nice. Star Wars in May. Fantastic Four some time in the summer. Very exciting year indeed. And who can forget, BATMAN! The Duff wishes to watch all these at sneak preview weekends, and cordially invites all his friends. RSVP.

That's all for now. Till the next time The Duff gets more inspired, do share your Truths, right here in this blog.

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