Thursday, January 20, 2005

Chapter 2

He freezes. He could feel his face turn white while he watches the blood drip from the carvings.

"Why have they come back?" He terrifyingly questions himself, when deep down he knows the answers. "How could they know?"

His hands begin to shiver, as the fear and reality grips him. The inevitable hard fact that he will never escape from the Organization hits him like a truck. His knees buckle and he crumbles to the ground.

All other matters that had bothered him in this new life seem trivial once again. No matter how hard he had tried to run, it seems they have found him. His eyes begin to tear as only hopelessness can bring about. In submission, his shoulders falls. In defeat, he surrenders to fate.

"Steel yourself, boy. I've spent too much of my precious time on you for you to be like a wet dog that you are!" A booming voice resounded along the stairwell. It was a voice he thought he'd never hear again.

"Have you come for me then, old man? Come to finish the job that they sent you to do? I always guessed it would be you; and in some ways, even hoped."

The old man begins to laugh, a hearty laugh from the depths of his body. In the distance, thunder ripples through the air.

"I have not come to finish you off, you little pup. But there is a need for you now, more than ever. The Organization is in chaos. It has become two halves with which one has decided the world is better off without you. I lead the other half. Now come with me. There is much work to be done."

He gets up from the ground and turns around to face the old man. Their eyes meet and they both smile. They embrace each other like old friends. There is much history between them.


1 comment:

nix said...

Cant wait for Chapter 3.
Cant wait to put all these into images.
Hope I can be the one to do the job!