Wednesday, May 31, 2006


So here I am, sweating buckets on an afternoon like most others, except that I have absolutely nothing to do. Work has stalled, if you could call it work to begin with. Hence I decided to escape into the ether, right here, cool as hell. Escape......

It wasn't that long ago that I was here. I had an excellently written blog entry just 2 days ago, and when I clicked the "Publish Post" button, the muthafucka ate up my Pulitzer-worthy entry, and somehow a webpage that was biblically themed appeared. No numerical representation could safely justify the level of contempt I had for that webpage, whatever techno-wizardry that allowed it pass my blockers and proxies, and the ether in general for being so unforgiving. I lost my post. The deed was done. After some major dialectic entries into various chat windows, the trader in me took hold. Look past a bad trade. Learn, and move on.

Hence, my trusty Microsoft Word shall be dusted off the electronic shelf, and will find a 2nd life as holder of my typed word, before entrusting the blogger interface to share my shallow wisdom to the hungry masses. Ahhhh, my adoring, patient public. Yes, my legions of fans. All 3 of you. Ha-fucking-HA.

Recently, the writing bug has bitten me in the ass again. I have been putting it off for the longest time, as my trading business gained prominence and priority. It took a string of losses to jolt me back to reality, after a wave of good profits. Nothing like a wake up call to emphasise my predicament to my proud self. Nothing like failure to instill humility.

So I’d decided that perhaps I need proper working conditions to be in my peak form. Even though I would be going to the office more often, but when the writing needs emerge, I would need a proper desk to store my research, and organize my thoughts and ideas tangibly. Ever since I got El Cheapo, I had moved my desktop into the family area, desk included, so that my ENTIRE family could have access to it anytime they want, without feeling that they have encroached into my personal, private sanctum. It also allows me to sleep better. And therefore, I have been working on the stools and sitting on the floor in my room, papers strewn all over the floor as well. Hardly feasible in the long run. And my wrist would ache from the weird angles that I put it through. While using the mouse, not the joystick! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!

Anyway, El Cheapo is serving me well. At times its memory is a little strained, when I have too many programs running. Well, in the first place, the supplier installed way too much junk for my liking. I shall have to remove them, once the warranty is up that is. Can’t afford to make that null and void that soon. The cream coloured border around the keyboard is also quite irritating. Perhaps I should’ve gotten some colour kits when I was doing the purchase. Yes, they have kits for laptops now. Wonder how else I can zhng my dear El Cheapo. Then it’d be El Presidente or something grander sounding. Yeah, that sounds good. El Presidente! Si Senor, mucho grande. Me Like.

Ok, side note. Now I remember why I had so fuckingly hated Microsoft word. It’s the goddamn spelling and grammar checks. They constantly remind me how many liberties I take with my sentence construction, our various local colloquialisms and the fact that we use the Queen’s English. Should we be proverbially finger-pointed for being differently correct?

So I’d been surfing more lately, as the markets seem to have fallen asleep on me, or rather, I know not how to beat them, and they appear to be gibberish and random to me right now. I’ll get the feeling back though. Anyways, there’s a shitload of crazy stuff out there. I mean, just from the usual news websites alone, there’s lots of interesting reportage and articles. I’d been sending cool links to my friends, and they say I’m so damn free. In a sense I guess I am, but I am also gathering research for my future writings. I miss reading. I’d been doing more lately. I miss the written word. I definitely got the bug back. The whole year when I was in the slave camp, I totally neglected this part of my development, and had resorted to audio tapes while I commuted in my slave car through hour long jams. In a sense, at least I took that step to further myself, although it doesn’t in the least bit atone for the disregard I placed on myself in that aspect.

Hopefully it will translate into better writing here. This shall be my testbed for my ideas. And you shall be my best/worst critics. How cool is that? Also, I shall be sprucing up this blog with pictures soon, once I figured out this html shit, and flickr. Damn, I;m so far behind. Well, at least I figured out the home networking thingy all by myself, in double quick time I might add. I guess that thing they call a degree was useful after all. Where is it anyway….. oh yeah, over there, under the table’s leg. Well, I had to prop it up with SOMETHING!

Till next time folks. The Truths be with ya!

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Curiously, I've been experiencing an ebb in writing inspiration lately. You've stolen my mojo, you bastard. Give it back!