Friday, March 03, 2006

Music and Mood Swings

Hey WASSUP You'all!

I was having an excellent day. Woke up refreshed, totally ready to trade. All set to go, all engines to full throttle. Started off well. Then not so well. Then badly. That's the name of the game I suppose. But I was still in good spirits.

Then I started going through my music collection. Just to see if I can add to my good mood. Started playing songs I could sing to (Yes I sing, if you can call it singing). Firstly those sappy love songs,and fun songs, and then slowly turned to love songs on unrequited love. Then to songs on dying, and lying, and pain. I went through U2, Sheryl Crow, Sting, Eric Clapton, Guns N Roses, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Maroon 5, Jet, Keane, John Mayer, Robbie Williams, etc.

I ended with Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen.
And I felt so fucked up. The end.

Now I have no idea what sort of madness made me do such a thing to myself. It was totally unconscious. And thus, I had a rollercoaster of an emotional day. Fun Ride. What a rush.

Have I mentioned this before? This is Highlander's 20th aniversary. I want to go to Scotland, and wave a sword at the cliffs, hundreds of metres above the killing waves. The last song was from this show.

There can be only one.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Highlander still kicks ass, 20 years down the road.