Friday, May 01, 2009


The Duff just got back from a screening of the first bullet fired from the Hollywood studios this eventful summer of thrills and spills. Wolverine has hit town, although he landed flat on his face.

Being the comic reading intellectual that he is, and an avid fan of the x-books no less, he is sure that this pathetic attempt to cash in on the world's favourite mutant has inevitably backfired, for there is no way Marvel would, or should, green-light a sequel to this expectedly disappointing origin story, unless its done by Abrams, Spielberg or Tarantino.

While wholely bastardizing canon is a part and parcel of adapting comic book material consisting of entire volumes spanning the works of creative minds unleashed over decades and compressing it all into a mere 120mins is absolutely understandable and commonplace enough to numb his senses and sensibilities, he is nevertheless appalled at how much they can squeeze onto the screen for the lousiest excuse of just having the character in the picture, and simultaneously stripping the character of all its richness and history. All for the merchandising, and the split second a fanboy's heart rate is increased by easter eggs. WTF.

He is ranting. He shall try to stop now. Sounds horrible now that it echoes back at him through the interwub.

Once again, the powers that be are sending out misdirection into the hearts and minds of the masses around the world. His bullshit-detection-meter is off the charts this time round. The lack of cynicism and curiousity quotient is amazing, and he just thinks that everyone buying into the nonsense perhaps deserves all the fear that is being shoved down his throat.

The recent outbreak of 2009 H5N1 virus for example, and its immense coverage in the media is astounding, as are the precautionary measures being taken, and at times suggested. The Duff thinks that it is a superb exercise in misdirecting attention away from more pressing matters like the economy. The statistics of this flu pandemic's possible effects, the outrage and panic that is aroused by papers, news programmes and web articles border on the mad. The irrationality of it all pisses him off. If it is lives they want to save, they are better served warning everyone to stay away from swimming pools, alcohol and staircases. If it is lining their coffers, Tamiflu it is.

Rant again. Fuck. FUCK!!!

The spew from his fatigued mind coupled with some all time favourite songs are causing him to become delirious. How could anybody give a flying fuck about what he's pissed at?

He should stop. Now.

Playlist: Freakonomics, Sarah MacLachlan, The Killers, Snow Patrol.
Reading List: The Badger, Nowergian Wood, A Sparrow Falls.
Surfing List: fmylife, 3quarksdaily, englishrussia.

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