Wednesday, May 27, 2009

As The Wheel Turns

So the Duff is lying in bed at a supremely early hour. He's feeling a little under the weather, something he has the fortune of avoiding all year long in-spite of being in a new environment and with all the changes that accompanies such an exodus. Alas, all good steaks must come to an end, and his armour of invincibility shatters like the broken dreams of a crack whore.

He has been trying to ascertain the origins of his mild sickness. The usual reasons come to mind; the lack of sleep, an unhealthy diet, non-existent exercise and inclement weather. All the above though, doesn't exactly hold water. He's been sleeping at least 8 hours each day, or more, as he hasn't had much opportunity to fly of late and thus, he stays up till 4am each and every day, catching up on movies and such, waking up at noon to all manner of aches and pains that are associated with sloth. Diet is something out of his hands, as the nutritionist has taken an extended vacation. Junk food and instant noodles have made a more regular appearance in the menus, but never to the extend of being THIS detrimental. Fruits and vegetables were still ingested fastidiously. Exercise have been reduced, but not absent. A shitload of weather popped a cap on his schedule's ass, but he stayed out of it; however, it did prevent him from jogging his usual daily 10km;->

You are only as healthy as you feel. That has been a line constantly pounding in his head, for he has recently felt apathetic. An overall lack of luck has attributed to him not flying, and thus not progressing. To not feel overly upset over these proceedings, he has numbed himself to these facts, and instead let the fates decide. There is only so much he can do. And perhaps, this is whats causing him to be bed-bound by 9.45pm, an absurdly early hour for him.

The Duff has thus once again spiraled down into procrastination and dread. Instead of studying for his coming tests, which he views as a very distant inevitability, he watches lots of shows and reads quite a bit. Both at the movies and on his laptop, he has caught at least 20 movies in the last 2 weeks, and a multitude of tv programmes ranging from sitcoms to sci-fi. He has felt the magic of falling in love, the pure blandness of mindless violence, the beauties of the written word and the fascinating locales that they can conjure, and most of all, emotions that run the gamut of possibilities.

Another active waste of time are the games on facebook, which he has started delving fully into to while away the eons of hours. His current favourites are Hell's Kitchen, a multitasking and prioritizing-centric game that might just help him in his flying, Mafia Wars, for the sheer joy of character advancement and fortune building, and Chain Reaction, for the lovely tunes and colours. He knows he's like a kid, and he's loving every eon of it.

But all too soon, darkness will fall, but with it, the hope of light that comes with the dawn. The end is nigh, but to what end? At least some movement forward is better than being stuck in limbo. The Duff braves on, as he must. The alternatives are not to be entertained. He leaves with a line of Truth from the recesses of his sinful mind,

"You do what you have to do, so that you can do what you want to do."

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