Monday, September 11, 2006

Zi bai Siao Liao

I’d just gone onto the Singapore Sports Council website and booked a squash court for tomorrow. As usual, anyone would print out their booking for later reference, in case some prick thinks he booked the same court over the same time slot.

So I keyed in all the details, paid for it and then printed it out. It took an amazingly long time and I found out why. You see, the webpage is a black background, with a side panel and a main panel. The details were on the main panel, all nicely shown in white text. What came out from my printer was exactly that. 2 pages, 1 fully black of the side panel, and another fully black with the booking details. The 2 sheets were wet and dripping in my very precious black ink. It was a horrible day, and this has to occur.

I clicked on the link for feedback posting. I keyed in everything required, made my case and submitted my suggestion. It was for their own good in the long run, and also my cartridge’s, and subsequently my wallet. The next page that loaded insisted that I should log in first then submit the complaint. The thing was that I had already logged in ages ago, else I wouldn’t be able to book the fucking court to begin with.

I gave up after trying a few other iterations. Then I got worried about my credit card information that I had just given them. If their basic programming of the site is that buggy, how safe could their “secure” handling of sensitive information be?

I’m so screwed.


Chippy said...

Then you'll just have to have faith in the morality of Man.

In bocca al lupo.

duff said...

Crepi il lupo!