Monday, April 24, 2006

Down the Spiral

I've been feeling like I'm in a dream state of late.

Like I'm floating through life like the smoke from spiral incense hung overhead, those big grand things that move on their own accord. And you know, sometimes, the smoke seems to follow a path, like it has a mind of its own, and not really just going with the wind? That's how I've been feeling.

Big change in my life. I'm single again. Its been quite a while. Quite a long while.
My own doing, of course. Perhaps I'm at my self-destructive tendencies again. Then again, it wasn't an impulsive decision. It was painful, yet inevitable. Funny, this thing called the human pathos.

The road ahead now looks more ominous then ever. I can see the mountain whose peak I will eventually reach, but right ahead is another steep, sandy and uneven road, with rocks and all sort of other debris.

Thankfully I do have my friends around me. Not everyone is as lucky however.

Back to my world of numbers and words, of music and art and life. The Renaissance continues as planned.

What has your truth been thus far?

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