Thursday, July 21, 2005

Where has all the time gone?

The Duff missed the blogosphere.

2 weeks gone. Once again The Duff has screwed up all his time management. Too many things occuring in his life. He has forsaken his pool, and various other social activities that he tries to partake in on a periodic basis.

For starters, he's been slaving his ass off(not literally of course). Many slave projects have been thrown at his slavery way. And he has slavenly scooped up all the slavery goodness of the slavery tasks. Such slavery slavenness should be slavishly sodomised.

Anyway, he's been assigned various projects recently which would have definitely raised his profile. As such, the MD thinks he is suitable for a perm post all too soon. While this news was certainly heartening to himself, he thinks that post would suck big time in the near future, since by the time he's there, another slave(who thinks he's adding much value to the company, "urgh") would be his boss. And that would be a majorly screwed up scenario to be in.
Also, The Duff doesn't want to be in too cushy a position in the slave camp. This would deter him from his escape plans.

The Duff's parents returned from the land far beyond this past week. Everytime they come back, the Duff's plans with his friends are always put on hold to accommodate their presence. It has become routine that even his friends know that he'd be unavailable and soon forget about him. Works both ways. However, its when he has friends who are less familiar with his predicament who would make some noise and shit. "Screw it," he says. Prioritise.

The world is still an ugly place. Recent developments in the local charity scene has been the talk of the town. How utterly boring that the main public is so slow to catch on bullshit that is squarely there in their face, and even force fed into their numbskulls ever so often by stunts performed by psuedo-celebrities. The Duff was much the wiser years hence. Such a braggart, and yet so wise. The world can be fair sometimes.

4 more booms in london. such a shame. terrorists are such pussies.

The Duff is over-spending. He is seriously worried about this. And his main vice, comics.

Now this is a horrible situation, as its one of his main de-stressing avenues, yet it is so costly to upkeep. Spending almost 400 bucks a month is way too much. While this might be aggravated by his little brother's penchant to demand and get his comics as well, he still thinks he should cut down. But to compromise on his own bliss, he finds it hard to do so. Everyone should have his own bliss. Compromise is such a dirty word.

The Duff's little bro just had his birthday. He is only 15 and he is almost the same size as Duff if not more so. The modern diet is really a powerful growth bitch. Must be all the steroids. The Duff really must restart his weights routine. But perhaps after he gets his new room done. Had to fix his bed and rework all his furniture. Excellent. He is now bonafidely Ikea-ed.

Ikano GO!

The Duff believes its all about how you spend your time. Plan it wisely, stick to your plans to a certain point, but give yourselves moments when spontaneity occurs. Those are the eternities between the seconds when life has more meaning.

This coming from The Duff, who has every clock available to him set 10 minutes ahead so that whenever he is in a rush, he forgets to backtrack and rushes himself more, believing he is 1o minutes later than he really is. Stupid. Yet effective. Especially when he remembers that he set them in advance. Its almost like finding time, just like loose change in a pocket. Always a pleasant surprise.

1 comment:

nix said...

Dun save on comics lar... you will be so miserable.