Friday, February 13, 2009

25 Random Things About The Duff

This 25 Random things thingamy has been circulating around the facebook quadrant of the net for awhile, and the duff had been sent one by his platoon mate. According to the rules, he's supposed to write up his own list of 25 random things about himself, may it be habits, likes, dislikes and deep dark secrets. Not only that, but the nature of the post (using the most un-userfriendly interface Notes) requires him to not only make it as honest as possible, but also spicey, interesting and entertaining. Very much the oxymoron, one might say.

Not really that different from myself blogging about the duff, but different in the sense that its a declaration of one's personality and uniqueness (and also, as unique as the next person, like snowflakes). Some of his friends have posted it like a Want Ad in the Singles Dating section, like a meme on ME. Some, just another list to bitch about whats wrong with the world.

The duff tried to accomplish the task, but he found himself not being able to just affix 25 items to the list. He prides himself in knowing what he's like, and what he does on a regular basis seems too trivial to write about. He also tries to not live his life with secrets and thus, there are not that many to OUT himself with. After a week, he gave up.

It may also be due to his current situation. He is not in the most conducive of environments for creative writing. His work and non-working hours have merged into a blur, and in such a predicament, energy and fun juice just gets mixed in and gulped into the thirsty sand-dunes of LifeSucks.

This also explains the fucking coupla months of non-posts here.

What would be interesting would be friends posting their own opinions of you. A no-holds barred, "be honest with me for my sake" kind of affair. A constructive criticism feedback forum with no(t many) repercussions. Which may turn out to be a shoe-throwing press conference, depending on how you've been treating others your whole life.

Wouldn't that be cool? Wouldn't that be awesome? Wouldn't that be The Truth?!

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