Thursday, April 12, 2007

You Know Truths

I haven't dumped some truths onto the ether for quite awhile.

I think its time.

These are called You Know truths. They are the facts of life that everyone knows, but do not share.

1. You Know that your fart is bad when it eventually diffuses until it reaches your eyes, it stings.

2. You Know that you are godforsakenly lazy when you refuse to move to wipe your snot as it oozes down past your chin, and threatens to drip onto your clothes.

3. You Know that your body hates you when as you peel thick skin off your toes, a flake is propelled at light speed into the space between your thumb and its nail, splitting them apart.

4. You Know that you've scooped up enough dogshit for one lifetime when as someone flings a newspaper near your face and you get a whiff, a gag reflex occurs.

Thats all I've got for now. More to come I'm sure. Please feel free to contribute your own You Know Truths.

1 comment:

nix said...

happy working~!