Friday, June 03, 2005

Life and New Experiences

The Duff has been exhausted by affairs of the family and the workplace. He truly was wiped out for the longest time, and couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank goodness for those fireflies.

The Duff had been getting into some new experiences lately. He had finally come to the conclusion that slaving is a bad thing. The workplace has been a dungheap of bullshit. He truly wants out. If he has the balls.

The Duff went for a concert the other night, having been given free tickets. It was an hour of spectacular dance. Music and lighting came together to accentuate a dozen dancers of unbelievable skill and endurance. All the elements came together to give him an experience like no other.

He fell asleep.

It might have been the lack of sleep the previous night, or the $5 cheeseburger he had before the concert filling his tummy and drawing blood away from his brain.

He enjoyed the performance though. Sad as it may be that he fell asleep, he really enjoyed the parts when his mind was lucid.

A meetup with his closest friends gave him the impetus to once again explore other avenues in life beyond slaving. A lunch with an old boss also gave him the urge to spice up his life further by attending a scuba diving course. Stayed tuned to see if he follows through on this. History gives small statistics of that happening.

His family is once again apart, as it has been for the last decade or so. While The Duff is saddened with this, it also allows him to continue his decadent lifestyle, without his parents' interference. Its a fine line to walk, and he is stumbling along it.

The Duff has also decided to follow once of his passions in life, which is to put down tales onto print media. Comics and novels, short stories and blogs, once again, stay tuned.

The Truth continues to elude The Duff. Every step he takes towards it, matters of sorts will push him back by 2 steps. Its only a matter of time before he lunges ahead, or plunge down the cliff face he crawled out from.

Perhaps yours Truths will save him. Please give him your comments.

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