Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Everybody's Birthday

Today is officially Everybody's Birthday. The Duff wishes one and all, a happy birthday. A year older, a year wiser. Hopefully.

Its been a week since The Duff blogged. Time really flies when you are having fun. The Duff visited many relatives whom he last saw a year ago, under similar circumstances. The Duff also planned to steal his great-grandparents' portraits during one of these visits. Ask him about that story sometime.

Collecting Hong Baos will never lose its charm.

Gorging has been the rule this past week. The Duff is a few kilograms heavier for sure. Which is good. He plans to use alchemy to turn it to muscle.

Valentine's came and went with the usual hoo haa. The reason all these money churning festivities are planned in February is becase the month is the shortest of the year, and all businessmen still have targets to meet. First a festivity that requires enormous spending, and giving away of money to the age group with the highest spending power on Valentine's, and then followed by Valentine's itself in quick succession. Coincidence? The Duff thinks not!

The Duff had a great time with The Nix. A most excellent time. Points to take note. Cooking is good. Washing is bad.

The Duff just realised that A&W Root Beer has been around since 1919.

The Duff is getting bored. No more holidays to look forward to for quite a while. It is time for him to start looking for other things to do, and more Truths to seek.

Share your Truths. Peace out!

1 comment:

nix said...

The Nix doesnt sound right. Dun use it again. ha~

I did offer to wash. Next time u cook I wash.