Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I have no life

A blank slate is really hard to corrupt. What do you fill it with? What direction do you want it to go? Do you use the tried and true? Do you experiment? Do you test the boundaries of right and wrong? Do you make it up as you go along?

For you see, my life, and my head, is a blank now. As the focus of my family fades as they once again defect to glorious Shanghai, I am left with the tedious repetition of waking up to an almost empty house, working on my computer and coming to bad results, procrastinating on my rusty weights and generally building up fat for the impending doom, so that I would outlast all the other thin people walking about, having worked against their genetic make up to hype up their metabolism to the point of self implosion.

However, there is some holes poked into my bleak tunnel. Little rivulets of distractions as I thread on a razor thin wire each day. I started my World of Warcraft account, and have been wasting many precious hours on it each day. Right now I’m a level 28 Troll Rogue on the server Skullcrusher. Do look me up if you are in the “vicinity”.

Another would be the fact that I have the house all to myself. That means I can do anything I want to it. Beyond the list of To-Do’’s which my mum mistakenly entrusted upon me are many sub-projects that I have been concocting. A rearrangement of my room, a complete re-organisation of my ever growing comic book collection (nearing 20,000!) and my recent acquisition, a new 7-ft Christmas Tree. Mainly just to perk up my mood for the next month and a half.

I killed my younger brother’s fish the other day. A fighting fish. I changed all the water in the tank, which I think I shouldn’t have. Not all at once. Anyway, felt bad for awhile, but only awhile. It would be interesting to see how he feels when he returns from his holiday. Hahaaa!

The japs have made a neural transmitter that could make a toy train switch on or off just by willpower alone. This scares the shit outta me somehow, but it’s the future.

I miss pool.

Anyone up for paintball?

I actually like Daniel Craig.

Sigh… this blog sucks huh. I need a life. Play WOW got no life. Just watch South Park season 10 episode 8.

There’re truths in that. Hahaha! Somewhere.